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The Most Common Techniques in Counseling

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There are many professional counselors who offer relationship test for couples that can be found in the city of Melbourne and most of them are using various methods and approaches in practicing their profession but there are three approaches that are most commonly used in this field and these are the psychodynamic, humanistic and behavioral approaches. For some professional counselors in Melbourne, they try to use one method at a time in counseling people but for other professional counselors, they also used various techniques and approaches all together at the same time because this might be effective for them. Some people are born to have skills and talents in the field of counseling but they are not professionally trained and if you think you are this kind of person, you may think of taking up courses in counseling so that you can better enhance your skills in this field. The first approach that was discovered by Sigmund Freud is the psychodynamic approach where the people have their unconscious mind and this must be studied in order to understand the people who have problems in their life.

The psychodynamic approach of Sigmund Freud was adapted, developed and even discredited by some people but through the years, this was approach was commonly used by some professional counselors wherein they try to study the various areas of the human mind. Based on the psychodynamic approach, there are three areas of the human brain and these are the conscious are wherein the person is aware, the subconscious area wherein the memory is slightly accessible and the unconscious area of the brain wherein these are the hardest to remember in terms of memories.

Another kind of approach commonly used in counseling is the humanistic approach wherein the main focus of this approach is the unique traits of the individuals and it is believed that each individual has the capacity to grow to achieve self-actualization. The humanistic counselors work on the belief that human beings have different experiences in their life events that is why they have different perceptions in life based on their life event experiences and this is the basis of the problems. Check out these relationship test for couples to take together on this page.

The behavioral approach is another type of approach that focuses on the influence of the environment on a person and that person is molded for what he or she has become based on the influences that surrounded him or her as he or she grows up. In this approach, the counselors believe that a person’s behavior is learned through the environment that is why behaviors can also be unlearned and treated for some behaviors that are unwanted by a person and this is contradictory to the psychodynamic approach. Learn more here: